CPT & ICD-10 Codes - Cardiac Monitoring Service
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This page contains the latest CPT Code Reference Guides for Extended Wear Holters (EWH), Events, and Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT), plus an ICD-10 Codes Reference guide. This resource is designed to help healthcare professionals with accurate coding for billing.
Rates for Extended Wear Holter (EWH) increased in 2021. The changes to the codes were made in recognition of the associated time and work to monitor, detect and analyze cardiac results over longer periods, which have been shown to increase detection rates.
Reference Guide

CPT Codes (Extended Wear Holters)

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Reference Guide

CPT Codes (Events & MCT)

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Reference Guide

ICD-10 Codes

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CPT & ICD-10 Code FAQ


The 1st of January 2021.

Yes. CNM, CNS, NP, and PA would be able to prescribe and bill for services including MCT and EWH.

Event Monitoring & Mobile Cardiac Telemetry is fully covered by Medicare. Federal and Private insurance plans also cover Event Monitoring, though MCT may require prior authorization.

The OPPS system is designed to cover the administration labor costs of these tests by in-facility staff, and do not pay for the test itself. OPPS-equivalents to the PFS codes are also proposed for 2021, which do not have substantial differences in payments between 1-2 day and the EWH services.

We offer multiple billing models

Our myPatch clients can choose split fee or fee for service billing.